
“Shiku Le Dance”

Size: 41cm*63cm*10cm*9 pieces
Material: Rock-colored on wood panel/Video
Date: 2021

The work adopts the shape of a round arch, because the shape of the Shikumen is similar to the shape of the circular gate in the frescoes of music and dance, which represents the “Heavenly Palace”, and is replaced by the Shikumen, symbolizing the dialogue between the ancient and the modern, the East and the West, the traditional and the contemporary. The combination of Shanghai’s characteristic architecture of Shikumen and Dunhuang’s frescoed musical figures is an inheritance and innovation of the ancient and the modern, the East and the West. The raw materials of the Shikumen and Dunhuang frescoes are collected in the field and painted with materials that are identical to the content of the paintings, which are both creative materials and earth materials. This is the tracing of the local culture, the collection of local materials, and the expansion of contemporary art. It is a tribute to the classical Chinese tradition, a concrete presentation of the contemporary art concept of material representation, and a contemporary interpretation of the Eastern philosophy of “the unity of heaven and man”.