
“The benevolence of being born”

Material: Rock color on paper/sculpture/video

Explanation:In the Bible it is said that “all the riches of King Solomon were no match for a lily of the field”. In the words of the Scriptures, no ordinary life in nature can be measured by anything material. In the Buddhist scriptures, Siddhartha Gautama’s “smile” under the Bodhi tree is a realization of the heart and mind. Dai Zhen’s “To be born is also to be benevolent.” Confucius mentions Ren one hundred and nine times in the Analects of Confucius. “Ren is understood in its most primitive and superficial sense as fruit, a representation of life growing from a single cell division through hardship to a full and healthy life. It is the hardship of life. It is the aspiration of life. It is the “love” of life, the life that “loves people”. It is the life of nature that is constantly evolving, and the life of human beings that is reproducing, passing on and continuing.

It was by coincidence that I came across rock color. Over the years, I have continued to work with rock color, initially attracted by the material and the “uncertainty” of its many variations. Later on, its tedious ‘procedures’ became my creative practice and a source of faith, which is my destiny with rock color. I also do a little video and ceramics, which are my “greedy” attempts at rock color and creativity.

To reproduce life is to prolong it, to expand it, to keep it going. And in my own way, I continue my life “double” or “multiple”, proving that I have tried to live.